

Project title

NHS Epilepsy diary


The challenge

iPLATO specialises in web-based software specifically for the NHS. I was hired by them to completely redesign two web applications and a mobile application. The duration of the project was a little over 6 weeks working on 3 separate apps. The most complex one was careEpilepsy, a web-based medical diary for people with Epilepsy.

My role

  • UX/UI designer over a 6 week period

My approach

As the technology for the project was already up and running, I was able to use it thoroughly and get a feel for how it worked, note any problems and highlight areas that needed to be simplified.

This project was very fast-paced, so my method was to create low-fidelity wireframes of a particular journey, get feedback, make any amendments, and then create high-fidelity wireframes – all within a day or two. Once the wireframes were signed off, the last part of the project was adding the visual design and the finer details.

Day journal view.
Day journal view.
Week journal view.
Week journal view.
Month journal view.
Month journal view.

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