

As I love to read, think, and talk about knowledge management, psychology, racial diversity in tech, this is an area for me to share my learning in public.

Writing database

Tools I use for my PKM System
September 13, 2022

Tools I use for my PKM System

My number one rule is to use tools that fulfil my needs for my personal knowledge management system. I used to go from one shiny app to another like a magpie, hoping to find The one. I also previously went all-in on Notion for everything. Now I can say that I'm definitely very comfortable with what I currently use.

Explicit, Implicit, and Tacit Knowledge
April 4, 2021

Explicit, Implicit, and Tacit Knowledge

Last year, I completed a Knowledge Management course. It's a topic that I've been interested in for some time personally, but I wanted to understand how knowledge could be gathered and shared within an organisation. As I continue to learn, I'll be writing and sharing that knowledge with you.

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